Write an the expression depending on the speed of the forward and reverse reaction on the concentration reactants of the substances for

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Write an the expression depending on the speed of the forward and reverse reaction on the concentration reactants of the substances for

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Write an the expression depending on the speed of the forward and reverse reaction on the concentration reactants of the substances for

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(υ₂)/(υ₁)- ?
а) Homogeneous system , then the speed of forward and reverse reaction expressed respectively :
υ1 = k1 • [SO3]2 (direct reaction),
υ2 = k2 • [SO2]2 • [O2]  (reverse reaction),
With increasing pressure in three times the concentration of substances also increased the by 3 times.
The rate of direct reaction after increasing pressure is expressed by:
υ1 = k1 • (3[SO3]2)
(υ₁)/(υ₁)= ((3[SO₃]²) )/( k₁•[SO₃]²)=9
the rate of the forward reaction will increase by 9 times .
For the reverse reaction after increasing pressure 3 times the expression law of mass action will take the form :
υ2 = k2 • (3[SO3]2) • (3[О2]).
(υ₂)/(υ₂)= (k₂•(3[SO₃]²)•(3[О₂]))/( k₂•[SO₂]²•(3[О₂]))=27
rate of the reverse reaction will increase by 27 times .
b) a heterogeneous system , then:
υ1 = k1 • [СO] (direct reaction),
υ2 = k2 • [СO2] (reverse reaction)
(υ₁)/(υ₁)= (k₁•(3[СO]))/( k₁•[СO])=3
the rate of the forward reaction will increase by 3 times.
For the reverse reaction :
(υ₂)/(υ₂)= (k₂•(3[СO₂]))/(k₂•[СO₂])=3
speed is also increased by 3 times.
Answer: a) the speed of the forward reaction increases by 9 times .
For the reverse reaction the rate increases to 27 times .
b ) the rate of the forward reaction will increase by 3 times.
For the reverse reaction speed is also increased by 3 times.

К нам на почту приходит много вопросов. Мы стараемся отвечать на все. Однако вы должны понимать, что большая загруженность увеличивает время ответа. Сейчас среднее время ответа равно 1:36.